Pinebrooke Disc Golf League utilizes a Facebook page to disseminate all information about the league.
Please make sure to check the Facebook page prior to attending events as times may vary due to day light and other factors.
Below is a link to the PDGC Facebook page where you can find all the up to date information about tags, doubles and other events.
Tentative Weekly Schedule for Yetter DGL
Doubles at 5:00 pm
Tags at 5:00 pm
Every year the League purchases tags that are sold on a first come first serve bases
Tags cost $10 with all proceeds going to the course fund that is used to maintain and evolve the course such as buy new baskets
Every tags and random draw doubles event, there is an optional $1 ace pot. You can pay $1 and if you hit an ace that round you will be paid out based on the current ace pot fund